“Marching” ahead…Or Not

It’s March.

When I wrote my “goals for the year” (I don’t do “resolutions”), I targeted March as the month I would start actually writing the script for the time travel story. But – I’m still stuck in analysis paralysis. There are technical details – like, some deadline by which the main character has to return to their own time, the mechanism to do it, etc. – and there are character details – like, how how two characters’ relationship ends before one returns, etc. So, I’m still hesitating to commit to dialogue pages.

The other March item on my goals for the year is to get back on stage. I researched a few local open mics and I’m targeting a Thursday night in the neighborhood. No new material for this one (that’s another month on the goals for the year) – the goal is getting back on stage after a long drought.

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