That went (Mostly) Well

Yeah, I should have posted the day after my San Diego set, but things got away from me.

Spoiler Alert – as you can tell from the title, the set went well. Could have been better (it always could, right?) – I missed a few lines early on, so one of the callbacks didn’t land as it should, but by and large most of the lines worked as I intended.

At least for about half the audience. There was definitely a generational divide, both on stage and in the audience. Some of the other comedians used current queer pop culture references that resonated with younger audience members and fell a little flat with the older crowd. And of course the reverse was also true – some of my material resonated with older audience members and missed a bit with younger folks. Still, overall there was plenty of material from every comedian that everyone could laugh at, so the evening was a success.

I was particularly pleased that one of my teachers was there and really enjoyed my set.

Flashback – I did some standup at two LGBTQ square dance conventions a few years ago. Fast forward to last week – someone in our square dance club asked when I would be doing comedy again; Fast forward to tonight – another person in our square dance club asked me the same thing. So I guess those sets went well to. And now I want to find a time to do a set up here in LA so they can see me again.

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